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Sharjah Age-friendly strategic plan 2021-2023


The Sharjah Age-friendly cities program of the Department of Social services revealed that it has an achieved a high percentage of achievements as the cumulative percentage of the strategic plan since its launch in 2017 until the end of 2020 is about 97% with 17 government institutions in Sharjah participating in its achievements.

Sharjah Age-friendly program has accomplished several of the achievements in accordance with the Age-friendly cities domains. 5 initiatives in outdoor spaces and building domain are got 100%, 3 initiatives in transportation domain reached 100%, 1 initiative in housing domain has reached 100%, while the percentage of 5 initiatives in community participation domain is 100%. In addition, 7 initiatives in respect and inclusion domain has reached 91% and the percentage of 2 initiatives in civic participation and employment domain was about 100%. As well as 2 initiatives in communication and information domain has reached about 100%. Finally, 7 initiatives in community support and health service domain were 89%, and the percentage of completion of supportive activities is about 100%.

The high percentage of achievements reflects the solidarity of government institutions in achieving this remarkable result, which contributed to encouraging the private sector to participate in offering services for the elderly, which prompted the program to involve private parties in Sharjah to participate in the new strategic plan, which will start in 2021 until 2023.