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Sharjah age-friendly city strategic plan 2021-2023


The Executive Council approved the strategic plan 2021-2023 for the Sharjah Age-friendly City Program, headed by His Highness Sheikh Sultan bin Muhammad bin Sultan Al Qasimi, Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler of Sharjah and Chairman of the Executive Council, and in the presence of His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Salem bin Sultan Al Qasimi, Deputy Ruler of Sharjah and Deputy Chairman of the Executive Council.

The new strategic plan includes 44 activities distributed in 9 domains with the participation of 29 entities, and it Contains  6 goals, which are the development of age-friendly initiatives and services, strengthening the responsibility of the private sector towards the elderly, spreading the culture of age-friendly city standards in Sharjah, raising community awareness about age friendly ciries, and empowering the elderly to share their experiences in the community in addition to launching initiatives that contribute to the integration of the elderly.

The first domain (outdoor spaces and buildings) contains of 7 strategic activities, the second domain (transportation) two activities, the third domain (housing) 3 activities, the fourth domain (community participation) 6 activities, the fifth domain (respect and social inclusion) 10 activities, the sixth domain  (Civic participation and employment) 5 activities, the seventh domain (communications and information) 4 activities, the eighth domain (community support and health services) 8 activities, in addition to the common domain one activity.

The Council reviewed the report of the outputs of the previous strategic plan 2017-2020, during which more than 40 initiatives and activities were implemented in line with the axes of Age-Friendly cities, and the achievement rates in all axes.