Adding life to years
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Rehabilitation of elderly companion








In line with the vision of HH sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad al Qasimi Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, Social service department has launched an initiative called the training program called Rehabilitation of elderly companion. Based on the vision of the department to improve the quality of the life for the society of the emirate of Sharjah with a view to empowering people with conditions and elderly to live with a dignity and independence. The training program has launched to qualify the sitter to acquire the skills of dealing with the elderly and give awareness for their family about the requirements and psychological, health and social needs.

Program Goals:
– Giving awareness for the family about the elderly requirement and his psychological, health and social needs.
– Giving the elderly companion the skills for dealing with them.
Target audience:
– People who are in charge to take care of the elderly
Program providers
– Nursing category of the social service department who are specialized in rehabilitating elderly companion.
– The elderly companion gets a certificate of passing the qualification.
– The family receive a certificate of appreciation for participating in the program.
– The family receives a guide book in how to care of the elderly.