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Phone assistance for senior citizens

September 1st is the start date for the pilot project named Äldre Direkt Västra Hisingen, in collaboration with the City of Gothenburg’s Contact Center.

The purpose of the pilot is to improve the service for senior citizens in City District Committee Västra Hisingen. Older persons and their relatives can through one simple phone number get access to information and guidance and in some cases assistance with specific tasks. Questions that we will be able to answer are;

Äldre direkt_questions

The opportunity to be able to request assistance through the phone is an important complement to the greater digitalization occurring in our time. It is important that the citizen can receive assistance through the channel that is convenient for them.
The pilot will improve the availability of the municipality for senior citizens, there will always be somebody responding to their calls within office hours. With that we will improve the quality of our service and better allocate our resources. During the pilot mutual work processes and routines will be developed between Contact Center and City District Committee Västra Hisingen in order to clarify who does what and how matters should be handled.
The intention is that the experience drawn from the six month period of the pilot will be used as a basis and foundation, in order to be able to execute the same work for other city districts.
Do you want to know more? Please contact:

Monica Aasland, Operations Manager
City of Gothenburg, Contact Center
Phone: +46 31 – 365 00 50

Äldre Direkt