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Orange County, North Carolina, Master Aging Plan (MAP): 2017-2022

The goals included in the 2017-2022 Master Aging Plan (MAP) are intended to make Orange County, North Carolina an age-friendly community, a place where structures and services are adapted to be accessible to and inclusive of older adults with varying needs and capacities. For this reason, the plan covers a wide range of topics, from communication and information to housing and outdoor spaces and buildings.

Orange County, NC, Master Aging Plan 2017-2022:
Orange County NC_MAP 2017-22 Final

Orange County began the MAP process by conducting a community needs assessment between May and September 2016. The needs assessment consisted of key informant interviews with community stakeholders, focus groups with community members, and a questionnaire that was distributed online and in paper format across the county. The goal of this community needs assessment was to understand the needs and concerns of seniors (defined as individuals age 60 and above), learn which resources seniors use in the community, and understand what their vision is for Orange County over the next 5 years.

Orange County, NC, MAP 2017-22 Community Needs Assessment:
Orange County _NC_MAP 2017-22_Survey
Orange County_NC_MAP 2017-22_Data Collection Assessment

Achieving the goals and objectives in the MAP is essential in preparing Orange County for the influx of older adults who will be using county and town programs and services. The success of the MAP depends on continued collaboration and community involvement over the next five years. An implementation matrix is used to track progress to ensure that the 5-year MAP goals, objectives and strategies are achieved. MAP implementation status is assessed yearly with quarterly updates.

Orange County, NC, MAP 2017-2022 Implementation Plan: Goals, Objectives, and Strategies:
OC MAP Year 1 Implementation Matrix- Q4_Final

OC MAP Year 2 Implementation Matrix- Q4_final

OC MAP Year 3 Implementation Matrix- Q4_final

OC MAP Year 4 Implementation Matrix- Q4_Final

About us:

Orange County Department on Aging is a one-stop resource where older adults and caregivers can meet their social, mental, physical, financial, and day-to-day practical needs.

We offer integrated aging services and programs at our two senior centers, the Passmore Center (formerly Central Orange Senior Center) and the Seymour Center. Programs and services offered include, wellness and education classes, job search advice and workshops, lunches, trips, volunteer opportunities, and much more.