Adding life to years
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Opole “Senior Card”

On 19th May 2016 the City Council of Opole passed resolution XXVII/489/16 which modified previous resolution LII/782/13 of 17th December 2013 on the point of adopting Programme „Opolska Rodzina” („The Family Of Opole”) to cover years 2014-2018.

In compliance with paragraph 4 point 2 of the Programme „Opolska Rodzina” („The Family of Opole”) to cover years 2014-2018 the City of Opole implemented „Opolski Senior” card for the elderly citizens (above 65 years old) aimed at boosting their social activity as well as improving living conditions. The agenda involves introducing and developing the new system of concessions and preferences. Its goal is to enable better access to a wider range of products, services as well as cultural and entertainment life. It is also aimed at encouraging better participation in social, cultural and sports events. The “Senior Card” is issued within program duration with no set expiry date.

The statistics shows that in 2017 the number of applications filed amounts 3962 with as many cards obtained. Currently we cooperate with 156 affiliated partners providing seniors with a plethora of discounts. The issuing hub is located at Information and Educational Centre “Senior” affiliated to MOPR (City Centre of Social Welfare).