Adding life to years
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On October 5, Senior Center hosted a ceremonial meeting of the “Orpheus” Poetry Lovers’ Club entitled “Four Seasons in Poetry and Music”

On October 5, Senior Center hosted a ceremonial meeting of the “Orpheus” Poetry Lovers’ Club entitled “Four Seasons in Poetry and Music”. The meeting was a combination of reciting poems written by seniors – members of the club, as well as poetry singing. The “Opolanie – Wandering Cafe” band took care of the musical setting. The meeting was chaired by the president of the poetry circle and we invited members of the circle, their relatives, poetry lovers as well as the Senior Center administration and the management of the Municipal Family Support Center. At the meeting, participants of the circle read their beautiful poems, and the numerous guests awarded them with thunderous applause. About 50 people participated in the meeting. Reading poetry was intertwined with singing and music of the “Opolanie” band, which prepared a special repertoire for this meeting. Some poems were sung. The meeting ended with a snack, and each person received a book – a volume of poetry by the leader of the Poetry Club.