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Now We Move

Now We Move

The MOVE Week is an annual event at European level and part of NowWeMOVE campaign. This year, the MOVE Week will take place from September 29 to October 5. The goal of the event is to promote the benefits of regular practice of sport and physical activity across Europe. Several promoters of sport and physical activity (we call MOVE Agent) will coordinate events, new or existing, open to the community during this week. The campaign and the event NowWeMOVE hinge MOVE Week is coordinated by the International Sports and Culture Association (ISCA), in collaboration with the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF), with support from the European Union. The Move Agents are the real stars of MOVE Week, they are responsible for the MOVE Week’s happening. A MOVE Agent can be an organization of sport for all, club, school, university, company, volunteer group, a municipality or a person individually to organize an activity during MOVE Week. The MOVE Agent chooses the type of event to be held and the location and record it on the page, being also responsible for promoting and implementing the activity in your community. Being a MOVE Agent is totally voluntary, but both the ISCA as the national coordinator of each country may help you to get support for the events. Toolkits, posters, flyers, banners and other promotional materials are available to help MOVE Agent planning and promoting their sports activities. The Union of Parishes of Gondomar (S. Cosme), Valbom Jovim and is now a MOVE Agent.


Watch the video Now We Move – Flash Mob


Our participation in this initiative is already on the official blog of Now We Move!