Adding life to years
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Wong Tai Sin District

Wong Tai Sin District

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Wong Tai Sin District  China
Print this page City population: 42523524.2 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

– Wong Tai Sin District Council and Wong Tai Sin District Office have been working with various government departments, including Social Welfare Department and the community and non-governmental organizations, and demonstrated active engagement and significant efforts in supporting and promoting age-friendliness of Wong Tai Sin District;
– Wong Tai Sin District Council has been funding community involvement projects organized by non-governmental organizations in the district; many of these community involvement projects have been serving elderly in various ways, including visits, courses and entertainment for many years already;
– Older people from Wong Tai Sin District were invited to participate in various activities and training courses. These activities have empowered older adults by increasing their capability and awareness, and ultimately to willingness to voice out their opinions, and generate community in promoting and enhancing the district’s age-friendliness; and
– Wong Tai Sin District has also been engaged in the Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project, which comprises the collaboration between the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, District Council and District Office, community organizations, and professional support team (HKU). NGOs submitted AFC community programme proposals to a panel consisting of representatives from HKJC, HKU, District Council, and District Office. Three programmes per year will be funded by the HKJC while HKU will provide professional support and evaluation. By engaging a more pragmatic approach with the aid by Hong Kong Jockey Club and professional team from HKU, with reference to the baseline assessment of Wong Tai Sin District, the projects carried out in the district are aiming to be more age-friendly.


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