Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Whyalla  Australia
Print this page City population: 2260021.05 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Whyalla is located 396 kilometres northwest of south Australia’s capital, Adelaide, Australia and its known for its quality lifestyle.

With a healthy location between the sea and the outback, a strong sense of place, a tight knit community, high levels of public safety, an abundance of affordable housing, wide roads and light traffic, a general hospital with a wide range of health, personal and professional services, many sporting facilities, an accessible foreshore, conservation parks nearby, a university and a TAFE campus, a state of the art library, an art gallery and museum, and many service clubs and associations.

By securing, creating and progressing with existing age-friendly activities; we will ensure that we assist our ageing population to stay independent and active as they continue to be important contributing members of our local community.

Whyalla recognises that if we can create and implement a plan to retain our ageing population in Whyalla; we are cementing a future for those people to stay in our town and their immediate growing families.

The Whyalla City Council have adopted some age-friendly initiatives that get us on the positive pathway of becoming an aged-friendly city.

Whyalla City Council coordinate, promote and support the following initiatives:

Community Programs

Walking with Heart (Heart Foundation)
Walking with Heart is a community based walking program with volunteer walk organisers in Whyalla.

Health In Our Hands Program
Health in our Hands is a community based and operated organisation run entirely by volunteers. The Whyalla centre is open five days a week and is open for exercise sessions, such as; Tai Chi, sitting exercises and funky dancing as well as peer led health and lifestyle workshops.

Free English Conversation Program
This initiative is aimed towards our multicultural community members. This initiative allows people learning English as a second language to improve their English skills and practice English in a social and supportive environment.

Youth Advisory Committee – (YAC)
A group of young and enthusiastic residents have come together to form a governing body to represent Whyalla’s youth. The Youth Advisory Committee has been established by the Whyalla City Council, who will guide the youth to become a professional governing committee.

Replacement and Renewal Programs

Footpaths, Walkways and Furniture
Whyalla City Council are strengthening pedestrian connections on main thorough fares with new paving and lighting to ensure and promote personal safety, public safety and security.

Age-Friendly Playgrounds
The Whyalla City Council is committed to making all playgrounds access friendly to all community members. We are achieving this by placing ergonomically friendly seating with arm rests at a distance where grandparents can safely watch over and also ensuring that surrounding landscaping is creating an even walking ground for all.

Open Space and Healthy Lifestyle Promotion Programs

Security, Safety and Lighting
Whyalla City Council is committed to ensuring that all signage is well presented and adequately promotes the City and its attractions. This work has already commenced as part of the World Health Organisation commitment to become and age-friendly city.

The STARClub was an initiative of the Whyalla City Council to develop and maintain and strong, vibrant sporting and active recreation culture that will increase community participation of all ages.

Whyalla Foreshore
With the Whyalla Foreshore recently going through a complete re-development, eleven fitness stations were a wonderful addition to the beautiful landscaped garden areas. The fitness stations have been installed in order for fitness to be made available to all the community members. These are free to use and are widely utilised by all ages.

Obesity Prevention and Lifestyle Program (OPAL)
This program has been coordinated, promoted and supported by the Whyalla City Council to encourage local people to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Living Well, Whyalla’s Masterplan for Disability and Ageing

Baseline Assessment


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