Adding life to years
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West Springfield, Massachusetts

West Springfield, Massachusetts

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

West Springfield, Massachusetts  United States of America
Print this page City population: 2839121.3 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Our community partners with Wingate at West Springfield to offer a free Reflection Support Group for Caregivers of loved ones with Alzheimer’s Disease or other related Dementias. The West Springfield Council on Aging partners with Police, Fire & Health Departments on Fire Safety Initiatives, Lost Citizen Reporting and TIP Sheets. Lost Citizen Reporting is an early identification program that allows anyone of any age to be registered with the police so that in the event of an emergency/missing person there is no wait period to searching for that person. Parents of autistic children, persons with head injuries, persons with dementia, Alzheimer’s or any other related illness can avail themselves of this service. The TIP Sheet is a way for community members to alert first responders of their physical/mental limitations so that in the event of an emergency we can geo-cache and locate those persons who may need relocating if necessary. Our community partners with Forastierre Funeral Home to offer a free Grief Relief Support Group for the public – addressing losses of any age. Our community offers minivan transportation services and a free Medical Escort Service for persons who need assistance to/from doctors appointments. We partner with the former Lutheran Social Services, now known as Ascentria, for SNAP Education Classes. We partner with Attain Therapy + Fitness in order to provide guests with low cost strength and balance training. Our Park & Recreation Department recently upgraded the entrance of Mittineague Park, increasing parking/handicapped parking and gardens – including raised garden beds. Our community’s Garden Club has created a Youth Garden Club to engage our youth to participate in beautifying our Town..

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan