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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Wanju-Gun  Republic of Korea
Print this page City population: 9114633 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

For the respect, love, health, and happiness of older people, the city of Wanju-Gun has promoted policies such as the operation of college for older adults, citizen safety insurance, operation of playgrounds for older people, operation of daily sports classes, operation of a free restaurant for older people, regular health checks, a dementia management project, a community visiting health care project, promotion of the COVID-19 vaccination, etc.

In order to enhance the comprehensiveness of the basic plan for an age-friendly city, the city of Wanju-Gun will secure continuity so that implementation projects for 8 major areas can be carried out smoothly based on the active participation of local residents.

To create a city conducive to a safe and pleasant life, policies such as a crime prevention CCTV installation project, city park management, installation and maintenance of streetlights, residential fire extinguisher supply support project, operation of a happy call bus, maintenance of bicycle use facilities, and night light projectors installation project on crosswalks, have been developed and implemented.

In order to create an age-friendly environment for all generations, including older people, we have promoted policies such as customized care service for older people, operation of a mobile welfare center, a dementia awareness improvement project, a national tuberculosis management project, an employment and social activities support project and the operation and management of the living culture center.

Wanju-gun plans to actively develop and promote implementation projects in which the public and private sectors can cooperate to help older people feel satisfied with the resources available and the cities efforts towards becoming more age-friendly.