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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Vitorino  Brazil
Print this page City population: 65139.12 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

The city of Vitorino has had the Municipal Council for the Rights of the Elderly since March 26, 2004, by law 779/2004. Since then, the Municipal Departments have worked in a network to provide a better quality of life for the elderly in Vitória. In all, 1,747 older people are served in the municipality, 1,102 in the urban area and 533 in the rural area. To carry out the diagnosis and elaboration of the Action Plan for the Friendly Municipality of the Elderly of Vitorino, it was necessary to collect data from the municipality by listening to a focus group of ten older people and a caregiver, in order to list the main actions to be taken. developed according to their demands and daily experiences. Data from the local reality served as a basis for producing knowledge and pointing out necessary ways to promote initiatives aimed at reducing risk factors and promoting the elderly in the municipality. Before meetings, meetings and debates between the Elderly Friendly City Committee, the Municipal Council for the Rights of the Elderly and representatives of the Municipal Departments of: Health; Education, Culture, Sport and Leisure; of Social Development; Agriculture and Urban Development, Industry and Commerce, signed a commitment to produce an action plan aimed at adapting the city to the needs of older people with the aim of providing a better quality of life for older people in the city of Vitorino. The municipality of Vitorino is located in the southwest region of Paraná, with an estimated population of 6,513 inhabitants according to the IBGE, 2010. 9.12% are considered elderly, over 60 years old. The municipality has a privileged location, neighboring the municipality of Pato Branco, which is already an age-friendly.

Baseline Assessment


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