Adding life to years
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Ville de TOURS

Ville de TOURS

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Ville de TOURS  France
Print this page City population: 13625223 % over 60

Management of social and medico-social establishments for the elderly (including Adapted Activities and Care Centers [PASA in french] and Alzheimer Units for comprehensive care), delivery of meals at home, reception by day for related Alzheimer’s issues, Christmas parcels, solidarity and intergenerational housing, various activities (soft gymnastics, Qi Gong, Tai Chi-Chuan, Yoga, trips, tours, workshops for breakfast, etc.), annual intergenerational walk (more than 150 participants from 8 to 96 years old), MONALISA approach or banquets for seniors. And this, valued quarterly by a free newspaper published by the Community Center for Social Action at nearly 4,000 copies, “Tours Anim’Séniors”

The City of Tours will want to be an active participant by proposing and making available its actions and services so that they can be adapted, while being involved in the highlights and meetings organized by the Network.

The City of Tours is administered by various social welfare services and a community center of social action that work together to enable it’s citizens to age well.

Within our city, this will enable us to implement the structured approach of global reflection on the place of Seniors and on the adaptation more than ever necessary of all our services (from roads to culture, passing by social cohesion), so that all the inhabitants live the City in the best possible conditions.

The City of Tours is concerned with the fight against isolation, the fight against ageism, the promotion of the social bond, the citizenship of the Elders, but also all that relates to the prevention of the risks related to the advanced by age. This approach will be transversal, including all the Tourangeaux and Tourangelles, but also all the services of the municipality.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan