Adding life to years
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Ville de Beresford

Ville de Beresford

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Ville de Beresford  Canada
Print this page City population: 428833.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Here are the steps and initiatives taken by the municipality:
– The Town of Beresford adheres to the MADA approach
– Creation of a planning committee
– Portrait of seniors from statistical data
– Surveys
– Identification of existing services and activities
– prioritization of future projects
– Creation of an action plan
– Lobbying – contact with various community organizations, volunteers…
– transmission of information
– Creation of a telephone directory for Seniors
– Outdoor area and public buildings accessible, clean and safe
– Accessibility to public buildings for people with reduced mobility
– Sunlight on walking trails
– Public lavatory at the Beach Park open from May to October
– Space reserved for 50 years and more in the municipal newspaper (l’Écho de Beresford)
– Distribution of the “Écho de Beresford” to all Beresford nursing home residents
– Give information to the seniors about services offered by the Red Cross
– Identification of Volunteers working in the shadows
– Construction of gardens adapted to the seniors
– Collaboration with institutions, schools, social clubs to give lessons, workshops, etc.
– Improved visibility and accessibility of the elevator to the library or municipal offices
– Meeting with the Chal Baie Club (Seniors’ Club)
– Construction of an outdoor exercise park for Seniors
– Upcoming projects : “Emergency neighbors” in case of emergency
– Upcoming projects: transportation and travel for seniors
On top of that, many activities (dances, hiking, games, community breakfasts, workshops, help to complete some documents, etc.) are organized with the public library and the club “Chal Baie” for seniors or organizations.
Seniors could find all the information they need in the Beresford Newsletter and on the Web site of the Town of Beresford.


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