Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Tucapel  Chile
Print this page City population: 1413422 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

The Tucapel commune carries out the following age-friendly activities and programs to benefit its elderly residents:

  • There is a geriatric center in the commune that provides hydro-massage tubs and therapeutic pools for elderly people belonging to formalized clubs with medical derivation.
  • UCAM (Community Union of Older Adults) is an organization that brings together elderly people in the commune and also provides services and material donations to benefit the elderly.
  • “Vinculos” (Links) Program, version 13, has existed in the commune for more than 7 years.
  • The main square, in the center of Huépil town, was created to be an inclusive space with social and resting areas for everybody, especially the elderly. The design process was done in a participatory way with the community members and City Hall.
  • The construction of the constitutional building will provide a modern community space that is inclusive and has ample spaces for meetings.
  • There are currently two Day Centers operating in the commune.  These integral centers provide the elderly with opportunities for cognitive and physical stimulation.
  • There is an ELEAM (Extended-stay facility for older adults) in the commune.
  • There is a community pharmacy that assists the elderly in getting the medication they need.
  • There is a program of domiciliary care that assists elderly inhabitants with dependency needs through multidisciplinary help.
  • Home dental care aimed at the elderly has been recently implemented in the commune.
  • Physical conditioning and gymnastics workshops for seniors are offered.
  • There are 14 adult clubs, in addition to the UCAM.
  • Educational workshops on health promotion and prevention, taught voluntarily by doctors, are offered to senior citizens clubs at the community level. These classes provide information about chronic disease management, among other relevant topics.
  • According to the needs of each Elderly Club, monetary support is granted by the municipality for recreational activities, self-care and travel for the elderly.
  • There are efforts being made to improve improve and expand housing for the elderly.
Baseline Assessment