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Town of Lincoln

Town of Lincoln

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Town of Lincoln  Canada
Print this page City population: 2450035 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

The Town of Lincoln takes pride in delivering municipal services with an efficient, effective and customer centered approach, resulting in a livable, sustainable community with a focus on quality of life for all. The Town offers over 90 programs and services to over 24,000 residents.

The Town of Lincoln Council priorities include planning for a welcoming, connected, vibrant and resilient community which includes continued engagement with the town’s population of older adults in planning and decision making. The town will focus on social inclusion, including age-friendly initiatives that promote diversity, inclusivity, and equity as well as friendly and inclusive public spaces that are universally accessible, to facilitate citizen connections and foster vibrant communities.

The Town of Lincoln Age-Friendly Advisory Committee launched in May 2019 with a mission to create a vibrant, healthy, and diverse community where quality of life, inclusivity and healthy ageing is supported through all stages of life. The committee focuses on key aspects such as accessibility, inclusion, recreation and civic participation and strives to connect with the community as advisors to council and staff on policy or services contributing to an age-friendly Lincoln.

Both the town and the Age-Friendly Advisory Committee are working to make the Town of Lincoln more age-friendly including; upgrading outdoor spaces and public buildings with accessibility enhancements; connecting with our older adults via outreach and the development of unique and innovative program ideas; creating a reference guide on age-friendly and accessible best practices; initiating an age-friendly business guide and working with partner organizations to improve quality of life for all.