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Town of Dover-Foxcroft, Maine

Town of Dover-Foxcroft, Maine

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Town of Dover-Foxcroft, Maine  United States of America
Print this page City population: 421316 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Perhaps the most significant effort the town made toward becoming more age friendly is its support of the Maine Highland Senior Center Project currently underway. This project first began in 2010 and resulted from a group of interested residents having meetings regarding how this building could best serve the community. This resulted in the effort to establish a Senior Center that offers Adult Day Services using a medical model as well as meeting space for seniors and an event center upstairs that would be multigenerational and host functions such as weddings, music, receptions etc. The town currently dedicates space to seniors involved in the Senior Network at its municipal offices and there are lunches and other functions at this space on a regular basis. The town provides direct support to its local YMCA such that it can provide programming for people of all ages, including seniors. The town does not have its own recreation programs thus it is very important to the community that programming is offered and available to everyone in the community. Dover-Foxcroft is fortunate to be supported by the work of the Piscataquis Thriving in Place Collaborative, a large task force funded by the Maine Health Access Foundation to help older and vulnerable adults age in place. The goals of the TiP are to develop a robust resource and referral network and to increase capacity and access is the following areas: transportation; home-based services; caregiver support; volunteerism; community engagement; and person-centered planning. The Charlotte White Center facilitates the TiP project and shares the funding with various partners that are charged with leading specific aspects of the work. These funded partners include Pine Tree Hospice; Community Health and Counseling Services, Penquis, the Maine Highlands Senior Center, the University of Maine Center for Community Inclusion and Disability Services. The University of Maine Center on Aging is the contracted project evaluator. The TiP has urged the town of Dover-Foxcroft to join the Network of Age-Friendly Communities and has offered to deploy some of its evaluation resources and its overall capacity to provide in-kind support for the initial community needs assessment and the process of convening a community advisory committee.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan