Adding life to years
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Town of Miami Lakes

Town of Miami Lakes

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Town of Miami Lakes  United States of America
Print this page City population: 3000034 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

The Town of Miami Lakes offers many programs and services to the aging community. Since incorporating in 2000, the Town has partnered with the Miami Dade County Public Schools to offer free computer, tai chi, knitting, sewing, and arts and crafts classes to the senior citizens of Miami Lakes and surrounding areas. The Town created the Elderly Affairs Committee, an advisory board comprised of volunteers from the community, that meet once a month and provide recommendations to the Town Council on programs and initiatives that serve the senior residents. The committee offers programs and events for seniors such as an annual Health and Wellness Fair, nutrition and cooking seminars and demonstrations, senior softball games, forums and workshops, field trips, socials, and annual Olympic style games. The Committee also initiated a program “Jerry’s Squad” to assist seniors with installing hurricane shutters during hurricane season. Over the past 3 years, the Town of Miami Lakes has partnered with Alliance for Aging to offer free health and wellness programs for senior citizens including Matter of Balance, Diabetes Prevention Management, and Living Healthy. In 2012, the Town installed Lifetrail® fitness stations in one of its largest community parks. These stations are specifically geared towards the aging population and individuals with special needs and are based on functional fitness. On any given day, you will see senior citizens using the stations. The Town is working with agencies and partners to solve transportation and mobility issues. In addition to offering free on-demand bus services, the Town obtained grant funding to purchase two busses that operate a fixed-route circulator providing connections to existing transit services with a terminal point at Town Center’s Main Street. The Town of Miami Lakes officially announced its partnership and launch of Freebee ridesharing company in 2018. Freebee is an eco-friendly and electric ridesharing company that will be provide free on-demand transportation services for residents and visitors in Miami Lakes. The majority of users are senior citizens and individuals with special needs, who use the service to go to doctor’s appointments, grocery stores, and attend social and recreational programs.The Town of Miami Lakes is planning to become more age friendly. A senior center is planned for development in the next few years, which will offer additional educational, social, and health and wellness opportunities for the senior population. The proposed senior center would be built next to a new senior age-restricted living facility and an assisted living facility, providing opportunities for the senior population to age-in-place in the Miami Lakes community. The Town Council has also adopted a comprehensive plan for the next 10 years, which specifically outlines improving connectivity throughout the town for safe pedestrian access, improving the vitality and health of residents through wellness activities, and the creation of the senior center.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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