Adding life to years
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Til Til

Til Til

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Til Til  Chile
Print this page City population: 1931215 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

At present, the commune of Til Til,  Metropolitana Region of Chile, has several areas of intervention focused on older people, carried out by  different community partners/agents at the local level.
Through the Older People’s Unit, within the Community Development Directorate (known in Spanish as DIDECO), there is a social intervention that focuses on advising users in instances of participation, such as Senior Clubs, applications for funding sources, promoting/explaining the American Convention of Human Rights for the older people, in addition to promoting the development of leisure and free time activities, investigation of right cases focused on vulnerability, among others.

The Unit also works in an articulated manner with health institutions, such as Family Health Centers, Community Hospital, Chilean Red Cross and Mental Health Centers. It meets monthly with representatives of each organization with the objective of contributing to improve the quality of life of  older people. Likewise, the Unit has specialized programs in the promotion of Active Ageing, such as “Vinculos Program”, “Más Adultos Mayores Autovalentes Program”, Agreement with the National Tourism Service (SERNATUR) to allow low cost travels, and cultural activities in strategic alliance with the Cultural Center (Til Til Cultural Corporation) and the Public Library (Til Til Municipality).
In the above-mentioned activities, there is a high attendance of older people (mainly self-sufficient or with a slight disability). For those people who present some higher degree of disability, the municipality and the intersectoral strategies such as the Rural Rehabilitation program and the “Fondo Ejecutores Intermedios” Program of the SENAMA.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan