Adding life to years
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The Suchy Dąb Commune

The Suchy Dąb Commune

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

The Suchy Dąb Commune  Poland
Print this page City population: 424019.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

The Suchy Dąb Commune is an attractive place to live, located in the geographical neighbourhood of the Gdańsk agglomeration. It is a commune full of charm, with a rustic and idyllic landscape. The commune was reactivated on April 2nd, 1991. The reactivation still requires renewing relations between the inhabitants of individual villages and consolidating local identity. The Suchy Dąb Commune is one of the smallest in population in the Pomeranian Voivodeship. Older adults constitute almost 19.5% of 4,240 inhabitants of the commune. Within the last eight years, the proportion of older adults has increased from 607 to 823 people.

Demographic transitions have created many challenges for community authorities. They focus mainly on creating offers that support older adults to age actively and within their own homes. For many reasons, but primarily due to the commune’s agricultural character, the rural layout of the commune,  the housing style prevalent in the communes (single houses located far from each other), and the low quality of social capital makes the creation of an age-friendly environment particularly difficult .

For five years, the Suchy Dąb Commune has been taking small steps to integrate and activate older inhabitants by supporting intergenerational dialogue, cooperation with organizations supporting older persons, and reaching out to those who require support in their place of residence. Our investment in older persons has involved the construction of a municipal facility, nearing completion, where the first older persons club will be hosted.

Activities implemented in the Suchy Dąb Commune dedicated to older adults are consistent with the priorities of the Commune Development Strategy – Suchy Dąb 2020 Plus.  However, they still require further expansion and organizational enhancement.

The main goal of Suchy Dąb Commune’s older person policy is the integration and activation of older residents, and the development of different forms of support provided in response to their needs. The implementation of the policy is to be achieved with activities that fall within four main priorities:
1) Promotion of active aging.
2) Intergenerational dialogue promotion.
3) Development of care services for older persons in their place of residence.
4) Older persons’ safety.

The Suchy Dąb Commune carries out activities directed for older persons through the Commune Public Library and the Commune Social Welfare Center, as well as by cooperating with non-governmental organizations.

Strategy and Action Plan


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