Adding life to years
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The City of Gdansk

The City of Gdansk

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

The City of Gdansk  Poland
Print this page City population: 48600026 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

Gdansk is the city of freedom and solidarity; multicultural, modern and innovative, with a rich historical heritage. Local authorities support citizens’ initiatives and public participation of local society members.
They value and promote the partnership between the public, non-governmental, and private sectors. Gdansk is the city where the respect for equality and human right are fundamental values.
Older adults constitute almost 26% of over 486,000 inhabitants of the city. Within last fifteen years, the share of this group has increased by over 5 p.p. (from 92,800 persons to 124,500 persons).

The senior policy has been implemented in the city of Gdansk since 2007. It follows the strategic documents programming social and economic development of the city. Its priorities and goals are informed by older adults’ needs. In 2012 the deep research “The sociological portrait of Gdansk inhabitants aged 65 and over” was conducted. In 2023, during the conceptual work on the Gdansk Model of Equal Treatment and Strategy for Gdansk 2030+, the older adults’ expectations were examined again through a focus group study.

The main goal of the senior policy in the City of Gdansk is to ensure a long, independent, and dignified life for all inhabitants in older age. It’s implementation is to be achieved with activities that fall within six main priorities:
1. Promotion of active ageing
2. Health prevention
3. Investments in infrastructure enabling independence for older adults, including those with disabilities
4. Development of care services for older persons in their place of residence
5. Older citizens’ public and social participation and older adults’ advocacy
6. Promotion of the positive image of older adults’ and development of intergenerational relationships

The senior policy tasks are pursued by different departments of the Gdansk City Hall. The Department of Social Development and the Municipal Family Assistance Center are the leading entities implementing social policy in this area. Many activities are undertaken in partnership with non-governmental organizations.

The older adults’ representatives has significant impact on the process of planning and implementing senior policy activities’ too. The Gdansk Seniors’ Council has been established in 2018. To ensure coordination of various activities undertaken in the city, the Mayor’s Plenipotentiary for the Elderly was appointed in 2011.

Strategy and Action Plan


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