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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Tehran  Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Print this page City population: 8000000Joined Network in 2012

“Tehran: An Age-Friendly City” (Bill enacted by the “Islamic City Council”) Included of four articles and three notes Thursday, 23/05/2012 Article one: According to items 2, 4, 5 and the article 71 of the law on “organization, duties and election of the city councils” passed on 21/5/1996 and the pursuant corrections and amendments; and in alignment with the contents of strategy number 4 of the “Comprehensive Urban Planning” of the city of Tehran passes on 25/11/2007, the Tehran Municipality in cooperation with other executive agencies and public participation especially the aged, is tasked to use its construction, cultural, social, supportive and welfare activities as well as its other services for improvement of the status of aged people and undertake the following actions in the city: Item 1: Optimal supervision over implementation of standards and improvement of them for making appropriate the passageways, pavements and roads as well as public and private places and their design and suiting the infrastructures and the public seats and benches in bus and stations metro, city terminals, parks, urban sanitary services and commercial and residential buildings to decrease accidents that may endanger the health of the old people. Item 2: Paying special attention on suiting public transportation for using of the old people and offering special and standard places for them. Item 3: Offering special facilities and services and cultural, entertaining and sport activities and use them at the public transportation terminals in line with implementation of Manzelat project done by Tehran municipality especially for retirees and parents of Tehran municipality staff and related units. Note 1: The deputy mayor’s office is responsible to prepare within one month the executive guidelines of the above-mentioned items and present them to be enacted by “Tehran’s Islamic City Council.” Item 4: Holding and implementing social and cultural programs for national or religious festivals to promote the status of the old people. Item5: Cooperating, participating and supporting of the education for the old people, creating the culture to respect and empowering project for the old and aged over the neighborhood in a direct and indirect way through holding special training courses, publishing books and brochures and broadcasting via local radio and TV networks and other media. Item 6: Supporting the establishment of the civil-based institutions and clubs active in the field of the aged people and create the appropriate conditions to use the experiences and capacities of the old and the aged people in urban management. Item 7: Participating and supporting to launch social, cultural and sport centers for the old people. Article two: To plan and to implement with quality of the act of the “Age-friendly City” will be shaped from the following people: 1. The Deputy Mayor for “Social and Cultural Affairs” of the municipality as the “chairman” of the committee 2. The Deputy Mayor for “City Construction and Architectures” or plenipotentiary or fixed representative 3. The Deputy Mayor for “Transportation and Traffic” or plenipotentiary or fixed representative 4. Chair of the “Cultural and Artistic Organization” of Tehran Municipality or plenipotentiary or fixed representative 5. Three experts/technical persons in the elderly affairs as per suggestion of the “Cultural and Social Commission” of “Islamic City Council” 6. One person as a representative from NGO’s active in the elderly field as per suggestion of “Headquarter for Organizing the Civil-Based Institutions” and approved by “Tehran’s Islamic City Council.” 7. One person form the “Cultural, Social and Living Environment Commission” introduced by the commission as supervisor 8. One person as a representative of “Council-assistance Association” as per suggestion of the executive and cooperation headquarters of “Council-assistance Association” of “Tehran’s Islamic City Council” and approval of it. Note 1: If required, the committee is allowed to invite legal entities and persons to participate in the meetings. Note 2: The secretariat of the committee shall be stationed in office of the “Deputy Office for Social and Cultural Affairs” of the municipality. Article 3: Meanwhile optimal supervision on implementation of the act, the committee is tasked to plan and provide guidelines and proposals, enact and follow them. Moreover, for implementing of approved programs the committee shall foresee and incorporate the necessary budgeting for municipal annual budgeting. Article 4: Tehran Municipality is responsible to present semi-annually (once every 6 months) the progress report on the actions taken as of this act to the “Islamic City Council.”


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