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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Taiping  Malaysia
Print this page City population: 31080015 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

As per Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we aim to increase the quality of urban living for all walks of life including older people. These plans stress the importance of close collaboration among governmental agencies, private sectors, educational institutions, and NGOs.

Chronology of events related to Age Friendly-City (Taiping).

  • On 21st February 2018, A Town Hall Meeting was organized by Taiping Municipal Council on Taiping towards An Aged-Friendly City.
  • Discussion with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on the project on age-friendly cities since May 2018.
  • On 14th December 2018, Presentation on the age-friendly city to Majlis Nasihat dan Perundingan Warga Emas Negara (National Advisory and Consultation Council for the Elderly) and press statement.
  • On 12th February 2019, Local Advisory Committee (LPAC), Meeting chaired by UNDP with representatives from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, UNICEF, WHO, UNFPA, Department of Social Welfare (JKM), and MPT.
  • On 28th August 2019, Kick-off Meeting for Aged Friendly City – Taiping. Also, Launching of Aged-Friendly City: Taiping (A project creating an age-friendly framework as per WHO towards an aged nation by 2030) was scheduled in the 4th quarter of 2019.

Local initiatives to further improve urban living :

a. Aged-friendly neighbourhood.
New proposed development with age-friendly inclusiveness as per Malaysian Standard (MS) 1183 & 1184 (Code of Practice: Universal Design & Accessibility in the Built Environment)

b. Machinoeki Project.
Community voluntary participation to nurture hospitality with the targeted group, people with disabilities (PWDs) and older people within the SAP area. A project jointly initiated by University Malaya (UM) and MPT.

c. Middle-Sized Electric Bus (EV-Bus)
An aged-friendly and PWDs friendly bus with minimal vibration for the commuters. Donated by the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is due for operation by the end of 2019.

Taiping is moving towards an aged-friendly city with the collaboration of numerous entities. A 2-year program to stimulate and guide local action to make urban settings and services more age-friendly through establishing a network of stakeholders in-focus areas, sharing knowledge and capacity building of government to practice participatory city planning.

Strategy and Action Plan