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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Suyeong-Gu  Republic of Korea
Print this page City population: 17517932 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

Suyeong-gu is a tourist city with the most pleasant living environment in Busan, surrounded by the beautiful Gwangalli Beach and the scenic Geumnyeonsan Mountain. In December 2021, the city enacted a basic ordinance for elderly welfare to establish the foundation for creating an age-friendly city. In 2022, the city won the Grand Prize for the Elderly Welfare Award, organized by the Korean Senior Citizens Association.

Compared to other districts in Busan, Suyeong-gu has better accessibility to cultural, sports, and leisure facilities within the city center, as well as abundant cultural and leisure resources for local residents to enjoy thanks to its excellent natural environment and historical significance as a cultural city.

The vision for constructing an age-friendly city in Suyeong-gu is “A Happy Age-Friendly City Through Generational Integration,” with specific goals including “Creating a physical environment residents can feel,” “Creating a social and cultural environment where all generations can mingle,” and “Creating an easily accessible, customized service environment.”

To achieve this, we plan to implement 53 detailed projects in 8 major areas to create an age-friendly city.

1. Create a physical environment that residents can experience

  • Outdoor spaces and buildings
  • Transportation
  • Housing

2. Create a social and cultural environment where all generations come together

  • Social participation
  • Respect and social inclusion
  • Civic engagement and employment
  • Communication and information

3. Create a customized service environment that anyone can easily access

  • Community support and health services

Suyeong-gu plans to involve older persons in various ways, such as forming an age-friendly monitor group for the development of age-friendly policies and providing opportunities for older persons to express their opinions and reflect their interests and needs.


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