Adding life to years
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St John’s

St John’s

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

St John’s  Canada
Print this page City population: 10886019 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

As one of the oldest cities in North America, St John’s has a unique history. We are a vibrant City, balancing our strong sense of heritage with the needs of a modern urban population. In 2018, the City of St. John’s set out to build a new Strategic Plan, one that would transition us as we see changes in our demographics and economy. To realize our vision and achieve our goals, we must work closely with our partners, our staff, and our residents. Together we can build a city that is sustainable today and into the future.

The City of St. John’s provides a broad range of services to residents, businesses, and visitors through its various departments. One to highlight is Community Services and Recreation. It provides a diverse range of programs and services in the community that enhance quality of life and contribute to resident, newcomer and visitor well-being with the goal to improve the health and quality of life for all citizens.

This department liaises with the Seniors Advisory Committee; a committee that provides information and advice to Council on matters related to Seniors that intersect City policies and programs, as referred to it by committees of council, or as initiated by the committee. The Seniors Advisory Committee and City Council are committed to making our city more age-friendly through the following actions:

• Development of Age-Friendly Policy
• Improved Communication
• Intergenerational Programming
• Housing
• Voice of Seniors
• Diverse Representation

All of this aligns with our Strategic Plan to keep us focused on our longer-term directions; namely, to be a Sustainable City, a City that Moves, a Connected City and an Effective City.