Adding life to years
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Sioux Falls

Sioux Falls

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Sioux Falls  United States of America
Print this page City population: 18320013 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

The City of Sioux Falls has a long history of implementing policies, programs and services designed to help older residents thrive in our community. From government services to those provided by health care facilities, schools, employers, churches and non-profits, we are a community that is well-positioned to enhance our efforts through membership in the Age-Friendly Network. Examples include: Active Generations, an organization providing educational, social, nutritional and fitness support for older adults (including Meals on Wheels); community education through the Sioux Falls School District; the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) education programs designed for adults 50+; the Helpline Center, offering connections to community volunteer opportunities as well as 24-hour telephone support for health, financial, or family needs; and parish nursing services at many local churches. Our Parks & Recreation department offers programs specifically designed for older adults, and our Human Relations office ensures that all facets of the community, from infrastructure to employment or housing are ADA-compliant and non-discriminatory. Under the leadership of Mayor Paul TenHaken, our City introduced the One Sioux Falls vision in 2018, which is focused on Health & Safety, Accessible Housing, Workforce, and Engaging People. These priorities are designed to promote collaborative efforts among all community sectors to improve the quality of life for all ages. As a member of the Age-Friendly network, we hope to identify and address the needs of older adults in Sioux Falls.

The City of Sioux Falls has a number of well-established citizen boards and commissions that will provide opportunities for older residents to be involved in identifying needs and strategies to address them as we work to become more age-friendly. These boards and commissions cover such areas as ADA/accessibility, affordable housing, health and emergency medical services, charter revision (Sioux Falls is a Home Rule Charter City), homelessness, diversity issues, performing and visual arts, parks and recreation, planning and zoning, and public transit. In addition, a number of project-specific teams led by various City departments – such as those looking at housing and public transit – will seek input from older adults.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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