Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Shorewood  United States of America
Print this page City population: 1331119 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Shorewood is home to a diverse group of people and is the most densely populated municipality in the State of Wisconsin, with a geographic area of 1.5 square miles and a population of 13,311. It is a community filled with people who desire to be connected to one another and to the fabric of the community. While deep pride in the school system remains at the heart of the community, the Village of Shorewood has worked hard to ensure that it is a vibrant place for people of all ages to live. With the creation of the Senior Resource Center in 2000 and the Shorewood Connects project in 2008, the Village has made great strides in recognizing the unique needs and assets of its older residents. The Shorewood Senior Resource Center provides information and support services as well as educational programs, fitness classes, trips and workshops. It is an information and referral resource and a senior center all rolled into one. The aim of Shorewood Connects is to enhance the ability of all residents, particularly seniors, to remain in and contribute to the life of the Village. Finding ways to make Shorewood more age-friendly and restoring neighborliness on a block-by-block basis are at the core of this project. Some of the project’s accomplishments to date: + Annual Spring and Fall Yard Clean-Up Days (150 volunteers work at the homes of older and disabled neighbors); + the Senior-Friendly Business Certification Program (senior volunteers conduct an assessment of interested businesses with recommendations and recognition); + the creation of the annual Shorewood Neighborhood and Neighbor of the Year competitions; + with the Senior Resource Center, creation of the “Home Sweet Home” program, using a volunteer architect to help older adults assess the need for home modifications; + involvement of older people in Village committees and planning initiatives, particularly advocacy related to the development of affordable housing options; + development of a Dementia Awareness initiative and a monthly Shorewood Memory Café. Shorewood Connects will continue to use a participatory planning model to work toward age-friendliness in many areas. It is worth noting that in 2014, Generations United recognized Shorewood as one of four “Best Intergenerational Communities” in the country.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan