Adding life to years
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Sha Tin District

Sha Tin District

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Sha Tin District  China
Print this page City population: 66020013.97 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Sha Tin District

The concept of Age Friendly is shifting the way we think about getting older. In Sha Tin, we encourage active ageing by optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age. Since 1990’s, we have set up working group in District Council which tailored programs for our elderly in all aspects. The following are some of the highlights only on policies, programs and services:

2015 (Program)
Happy Gatherings

2014-2015 (Program/Policy)
Age Friendly Project – Trained around 100 Age Friendly Ambassadors and inspected our Shing Mun River’s facilities and collected over 1000 questionnaires

2014-2015 (Program)
Design and production of Caring Booklet for elderly

2013-2014 (Services)
Medical Check Up Program

2013 (Program)
Visited Hong Kong Jockey Club

2012-2013 (Program)
Healthy Menu Design Competition for Elderly

2010 (Policy)
Questionnaire for Priority Seats and successfully persuaded to implement in our public transports

We have finished our baseline assessment with the support of Hong Kong Jockey Club Age-friendly City and we are having the following policies and programs in place:
– Set up a Age Friendly City Working Group under the Sha Tin District Council (2016) which dedicated especially for the task
– Not less than 1/4 of our Working Group members aged over 60 or above in order for them to participate in all process
– Consultation of all 39 District Councilors through meetings and questionnaires
– Elderly Forum (around 370 participants) to collect their views on the WHO’s 8 domains and will do it annually to review our progress
– Design of the Age Friendly Action Plan and identify indicators
– Review/ monitor progress and report to WHO
– Share the baseline report, action plan and progress through forums, meetings, publications and mass media on an ongoing basis

Baseline Assessment


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