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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Sausalito  United States of America
Print this page City population: 705033 % over 60Joined Network in 2014

A grassroots effort to create an Age-friendly Sausalito was led by members of Sausalito Village (SV) in April 2013. Anabel Pelham, president of the National Association of Professional Gerontologists, offered her experience and guidance by visiting Sausalito, meeting with and mentoring the volunteers, SV members, and City officials.

In July 2013, the Sausalito City Council voted to formalize the group effort. A City Council and City Staff Liaison were named, and seven key volunteers were appointed to the Task Force representing the groups in Sausalito that work with seniors – Sausalito Village, Edgewater Senior Club and the Commission on Ageing. The goal of the Task Force was to move Sausalito forward as an Age-friendly City so residents can actively age in their community.

In November 2013, a customised 25-question survey, encompassing the eight domains of age-friendliness, was mailed to residents aged 55 and older as a first step in the baseline assessment. Partnerships with the County Supervisors, Health and Human Services, Area Agency on Ageing and private and service organizations provided support for the success of the survey. 2400 surveys were mailed and 1200 responses were returned or entered online. The survey was well-received, with the respondents providing numerous recommendations, encouraged that the City was interested in their opinions and ideas.

Dozens of volunteers have joined in or endorsed the project, including the community faith leaders, and the chamber of commerce. While still in the process of analysing the survey results, there are already plans in place for several focus groups, community meetings, reviews of existing topical reports, and interviews with key resources, to round out the baseline assessment and begin developing a three-year community plan of action. This would address the challenges of becoming the age-friendly city our elder residents desire so they can fully enjoy and engage in their community as they age in place.


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