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Santo Antonio do Sudoeste

Santo Antonio do Sudoeste

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Santo Antonio do Sudoeste  Brazil
Print this page City population: 2016611.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

The current action plan related to the Age Friendly City Program to be implemented and executed in the Municipality of Santo Antonio do Sudoeste, Parana, in the period of 2021 to 2024, points out as key goals presenting in detail the analysis of the municipal diagnostic situation, the profile of the municipality, and the actions that will be developed to improve and promote the quality of life of the older adult population, which grows day by day in our municipality, as well as in the country. It describes in detail activities, projects and programs related to older adults, already being carried out by the various municipal departments and secretariats. It brings as a methodological approach a documentary analysis, based on data presented in official documents, linked to the specialized bibliography obtained in official websites from the federal government, such as: IBGE, IPARDES and older adults’ SISAP, as well as internal documents of the Municipal Secretariats for the construction of the diagnosis. Also, for the basis of the proposed action plan, an undergraduate final report from Uninter (Centro Universitário Internacional) was used as well as the Report of the 1st Municipal Conference for Older Adults, which was held on May 30th of the 2019, with the main theme: “The challenges of aging in the 21st century and the role of Public Policies”. We also emphasize that the orientation material for the construction of these documents was the Global Guide: Age Friendly Cities. It should be noted that the actions were proposed based on the following axes: Physical environment; Transportation; Urban mobility; Housing; Participation; Respect and social inclusion; Communication and information; Learning opportunities; Social Support, health and care. The reported action plan will be carried out in a multidisciplinary manner, involving all municipal departments, with a view to providing to older adults a harmonious experience, permeated by social inclusion, dignity and equal access to goods and services essential to this population.


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