Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Rothesay  Canada
Print this page City population: 1165944 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

In 2016, Rothesay Council began its age-friendly initiative by establishing the primary goal to develop an Age-Friendly Community Strategy. The Age-Friendly Committee and subcommittees (Information, Housing, Survey, Seniors Forum and Seniors Resource Centre) were established by Council resolution.

Older adults within the community were engaged in the process; quickly taking ownership of the community survey by designing and distributing it and assisted in analyzing the results. Survey results were shared through Forums to inform, educate and advocate on issues faced by older individuals in the Town. Recommendations led to the development of an Action Plan by Council, including receiving the Age-Friendly Designation from the Province of New Brunswick in June 2018.

The Action Plan called for a number of infrastructure improvements: an increase in public washrooms, benches along major routes, garbage receptacles and community bulletin boards; accessibility improvements at Town facilities and improvements in active transportation routes. Significant progress has been made on these initiatives.

The highest ranking recommendation was for a resource centre for older adults, with improvement in activities and programming. Funding was obtained for renovations including accessibility upgrades for a space in the Town Hall and a partnership was developed with the Saint John Regional Y for operations, with oversight by an Advisory Committee. In May 2019, the Rothesay Hive Age Friendly Community Centre (the “ROTHESAY HIVE”) was opened to the public, with many community members, regional Mayors and Provincial and Federal representatives in attendance. Many community partnerships have been established, including: local Fire and Police officers for development of a Home Safe outreach strategy; consultation with Wellness NB, the Canadian Red Cross check in program, the Provincial Wellness Consultant, and the University of New Brunswick Kinesiology Department.

The ROTHESAY HIVE has been well received and continues to engage older adults from around the region in physical and mental health initiatives and educational, supportive, and social functions.