Adding life to years
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Río Negro

Río Negro

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Río Negro  Chile
Print this page City population: 1473221 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

The commune of Río Negro has a Communal Office for the Elderly, which aims to develop a series of activities and actions that  help maintain self-reliance, prevent dependence and ensure active aging, through the stimulation, promotion of self-care, strengthening of self-esteem and the promotion of participation and social integration. In order to do this, the office works directly with social organizations to develop recreational, educational, and cultural activities, as well as health services. Some examples of activities and programs that support the elderly include:

  • The Older Adult Self-Sufficiency Program of the Ministry of Health aims to implement promotional and preventive health strategies, as well as to support the elderly by improving their personal and community capacity to face the aging process, remain self-sufficient, and maintain functional capacity.
  • The Sheltered Housing Condominium for the Elderly initiative provides a housing solution to address vulnerability in old age and provides support and care to elderly people, depending on their level of functionality. It seeks to contribute to the prevention, maintenance and rehabilitation of the elderly, through assistance and comprehensive care.
  • At the local level, the adequate access of older people is being considered in the development of infrastructure projects.
  • The Seniors Volunteer Program (“Programa Voluntariado País de Mayores”) seeks to contribute to social integration and the strengthening of a positive image of the elderly, through volunteer roles in the community.
  • The Vínculos (Links) program provides tools to elderly people in situations of social vulnerability, so that they can be linked to the social support network of the commune and their peers.
  • Execution of self-managed projects, through the National Senior Adult Fund
Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan