Adding life to years
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Rhondda Cynon Taf

Rhondda Cynon Taf

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Rhondda Cynon Taf  Wales
Print this page City population: 23765824.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

In Rhondda Cynon Taf (RCT) the Local Authority is proud to support and value older people, working in close partnership with other agencies and organisations since 2004. Following the development of The Strategy for Older People in Wales, the appointment of an elected member as Older Persons Champion, and a dedicated Older Persons Coordinator were appointed to develop this area of work, funded by the Local Authority. These appointments continuously reaffirm RCT’s commitment to improvement.

Additionally, Rhondda Cynon Taf Council’s signed the Dublin Declaration in 2015, which was the first and significant formal step in committing to developing age friendly communities. This was further complemented with the support of the Rhondda Cynon Taf Older Persons Advisory Group (OPAG) which overarches five local 50+ Forums which were developed from 2004. The 50+ Forums continue to thrive today, acting as a key voice of older people in our local communities and feeding directly into our engagement work in support of an age friendly Rhondda Cynon Taf.

This work continues to be a priority for the Council and its partners, supporting the Welsh Government’s vision to create an age friendly Wales. A range of partners from public, voluntary and third sectors are engaged via the established Community Support Steering Group (CSSG). Together, the CSSG can consider the needs of older people and work in partnership to identify and address issues of concern, and develop age friendly solutions which support community resilience across RCT.

In 2021, the role of the Older Persons Coordinator was refocussed onto ensuring integration was assured for older people in terms of the RCTCBC Community Resilience Hub, Neighbourhood Network and Community Grant model.  At the current time, there are seven Community Resilience Hubs that each reflect a recognisable community in RCT. Community Resilience Hubs and Neighbourhood Networks work with communities to deliver improved public services that are joined up, efficient, coordinated and located close to the point of need, in line with the legislative requirements of the Welsh Government’s Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014.

The integration of Age Friendly Communities has seen increased membership of Older People’s groups, such as 50+ forums, within the Neighbourhood Networks. Neighbourhood Networks have a fair, proportionate representation of Older People’s groups within these forums which ensures Older People’s voices are heard, considered, and acted upon.  Members of the Neighbourhood Networks have access to a suite of grant funding that is set aside for not-for-profit community groups. These grants support local activity and encourage participation and innovation. Community grants, both large and small, are available throughout the year. Older People’s groups are supported to apply, manage, and report on community grants in a way that is bespoke to individual circumstances. This support is especially important where group leaders are digitally excluded.

Working together these arrangements have increased local capacity, including within the voluntary and third sectors, through the addition of staff, community facility improvements, activities and services to meet identified needs and mitigate against gaps in provision. This has reduced demand on health and social care provision, by encouraging greater personal independence of residents and building capacity and resilience within communities.



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