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Regional Municipality of Durham

Regional Municipality of Durham

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Regional Municipality of Durham  Canada
Print this page City population: 69946020 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

In June 2015, the Region of Durham received a grant from the Province of Ontario to initiate an age-friendly community planning process. This would be the first step in moving the Region toward becoming a more inclusive community that is responsive to the changing needs of all residents across the lifespan. Through background research, community consultation, and strategy development, the Region of Durham created the Age-Friendly Durham Strategy and Action Plan in 2017. The strategy is a framework to assist in future decision making by the Region and other municipal stakeholders over a 5-year plan. The strategy’s recommendations are designed around the eight WHO age-friendly dimensions in tandem with information from community engagement and information analysis gathered by the Age-Friendly Steering Group and Regional Staff Working Group.

Currently at the implementation stage, 49 of the 67 recommendations are in progress or fulfilled. Key Regional initiatives have been implemented that further advance priorities outlined in the Age-Friendly Durham Strategy and Action Plan across all eight WHO dimensions including but not limited to promoting accessible services, facilities, and communications (Outdoor Spaces and Buildings), expanding accessible public transit services and retrofitting bus shelters (Transportation) and providing age-friendly planning information, including a service locator navigation map on the Regional age-friendly web page (Communication and Information). Additionally, the Durham Council on Aging have facilitated multiple projects including the creation of a Region-wide housing directory to assist older adults and caregivers in identifying appropriate housing options (Housing) and the implementation of an educational and awareness initiative, combating negative age-related stereotypes (Respect and Social Inclusion). An important action to further demonstrate the Region’s commitment to age-friendly initiatives is to join the WHO Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities.


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