Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Recoleta  Chile
Print this page City population: 15785117 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

The Municipality of Recoleta has developed a variety of age-friendly initiatives with the elderly to help improve the quality of life of older people. Among these initiatives are:

Local policies:

  • The first popular pharmacy in the county that guarantees the sale of medicine at fair prices and 70% of its users are older people.
  • Popular Optics: an initiative that seeks to facilitate access to ophthalmology benefits such as consultations and acquisition of lenses at very low prices compared to the private market.
  • Health in your Neighborhoods: a program that seeks to bring health services offered by CESFAM (Centro de Salud Familiar) to community spaces closer to Recoletanos in order to make services more accessible to the elderly.
  • Communal campaign for better treatment of older people.
  • Activities that promote participation: “Pasando Agosto” celebration, Welcome Spring, Election of Communal Queen, Adult Talent Festival, Older Adults Olympics, October Month of the Elderly.
  • UAR (Open University of Recoleta): a program that allows 19 public schools in the commune to be used after school hours to offer community members, including older adults, to access and democratize education.

Programs for older people:

  • Construyendo Sueños de Hogar” (‘Building Dreams’ Day Center)
  • “Casa del Adulto Mayor” (House of the Older Adult)
  • “Vinculos” (Links) Program
  • Support and Care Network
  • “Más Adultos Mayores Autovalentes” (More Autonomous Older Adults program)


  • Podiatry care
  • Kinesiology care
  • Psychological services
  • Orientation and support in receiving social benefits
  • Home visits
  • Workshops hosted by older persons clubs (ie. crafts, yoga, folklore, painting, baking, etc.)