Adding life to years
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Readfield, Maine

Readfield, Maine

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Readfield, Maine  United States of America
Print this page City population: 280025 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Town of Readfield currently provides funds to Spectrum Generations, our local area agency on aging.
The town also makes a financial contribution to a social club called Guys and Gals, which meets ins in the town office.
The Board of Selectmen passed the following resolution:
“The Readfield Select Board shall appoint an ad hoc committee for exploring age friendly opportunities for our community consisting of up to five individuals for one year. The committee is charged with creating an inventory of possible desirable resources and services, identifying best methods to communicate the preceding to older citizens in our community, recommending future courses of action they deem desirable, and pursuing in conjunction with the town manager any grant offerings that may be available for assessment and/or implementation of age friendly resources upon approval of the Select Board.”
The town has history walks led by a local historian, an Historical Society, and nature walks are available on ADA accessible Trails supported by the town

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan