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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Ramat-Hasharon  Israel
Print this page City population: 5200021 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

Ramat-Hasharon is a city in the Sharon region of the central district of Israel. It was established in 1923 as a rural and communal village (Moshava in Hebrew) and even today despite its urban growth and development, the city preserves its community lives and past symbols (such as the water tower, which functions as a symbol and logo for the city). Currently, there are 52,046 residents in the city and among them are 10,886 people over the age of 65 (21% of the total population of the city, and well over the national average of 12%). Almost 10% of the city population is aged 75 and over. The city’s next generation aged 55 and over, numbers 15,938 people (30% of the city’ population).
Our policy vision aims to create an Age-Friendly Ramat-Hasharon and to provide our senior citizens who, as pioneers, established the city, with better services and programs and to enable them to age in place and to participate in active and healthy routines of their choice.
Since 2021, the municipality of Ramat-Hasharon designed a strategy, a roadmap and action plan as part of the city’s preparations to address the needs and wishes of people as they age. Our design is based on what we learned from consultations with seniors and our social and community workers especially during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak and restrictions. The strategy informed four guiding principles which were identified as opportunities: building collaborations and inter-organizational activities; raising awareness and improving the communication of information about events and services for seniors; enhancing our seniors’ ability to engage and initiate activities and programs; and creating and developing public green spaces. The plan proposes short- and long-term projects and services in all of the domains regarding the built and social environment.


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