Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Purranque  Chile
Print this page City population: 2000017 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

The community of Purranque currently has an Office of Older Adults that coordinates all activities and actions benefiting older people in the community. In addition, we have protected houses, a program developed in conjunction with the National Service for Elderly People that grants housing to 20 older adults. In addition the local support and care network program provides respite care to more than 50 people with disabilities, working directly with the people with disabilities and their main caregiver. Another project to improve and extend seniors’ housing is being developed, a project that will also meet the needs of developing recreational activities, adult education and labor workshops.

Purranque is continuing planning for a more age-friendly city, contacting the central government to request programs that directly benefit older adults. We requested the expansion of condominium housing due to the large amount of older adults on waiting lists, in order to provide a long-term establishment that complements housing that is already in existence. Finally, it is necessary to note that in each social program, whether from the central or local government, older adults are prioritized, by strengthening the social protection system or generating strategies to develop good treatment towards older adults – a theme that was prioritized by our local government and in policies that will be implemented in future.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan