Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Puchuncaví  Chile
Print this page City population: 1718420 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

The Municipality of Puchuncaví has an Office for the Elderly, where we provide preferential care to the elderly and seek to support active aging based on respect, good treatment and consideration of each elderly persons’ unique circumstances and condition. Some examples of age-friendly practices and programs that we have carried out to-date include:

  • Various activities aimed at the elderly such as: Ancient Olympics, Elderly Singing Festival, Communal Celebration, Malón
  • Professional and administrative staff that are committed and focused on delivering quality care to elderly people
  • A municipal bus, acquired in 2018, that is intended for preferential use by older adults and is fully equipped for this age group (ex. wheelchair ramp and special seats for those with disabilities)
  • Reading group of elderly people who meet to share their love for reading in the Municipal Library

In addition, we promote teamwork among the various municipal areas to coordinate the work necessary to improve the conditions of the elderly and create age-friendly spaces for them. In this way, the Municipality of Puchuncaví aims to  implement and manage the necessary actions to promote healthy aging and physical and mental activity by providing spaces that meet the needs of the elderly to encourage their well-being. Lastly, we encourage the active participation of the elderly in each of these activities and processes, given that their opinion is essential to obtain effective and efficient results for the community’s older population.

Strategy and Action Plan