Adding life to years
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Plaza de la Revolución

Plaza de la Revolución

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Plaza de la Revolución  Cuba
Print this page City population: 14314828 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Plaza de la Revolución is the oldest municipality in the country, with 28.0% of people aged 60 and older. This is also the estimated proportion of older people that Cuba will have in 2028.

Currently, there are various activities targeted at the elderly population. For example, in several of the municipality’s parks, physical exercises are carried out daily and Tai-Chi is practiced with teachers from the Municipal Sports Department. The Municipal Government is co-coordinator of two projects funded by the European Union: the Line Cultural Corridor and the Comprehensive Healthy Aging Program (PIES –Plaza). The latter is aimed at healthy aging and includes several specific actions in conjunction with the Municipal Government:

  • Build an area of several blocks in the Line Cultural Corridor based on the principle of age-friendly environments
  • Support actions of the Municipal Health Center to train caregivers of the elderly and support self-care of the elderly
  • Creation of a Computer Club for elderly people to bridge the gap between information and communication technologies and the elderly
  • Computer competition for the elderly
  • Workshops targeted at the empowerment of the elderly
  • Public awareness campaign to improve the image of the elderly and reduce ageism
  • Repair a classroom for the municipal team of the University of the Elderly, of the University of Havana
  • Financing for a house that functions as a Lyceum where the elderly people of the Municipality Government carry out cultural, recreational, educational and leisure activities, which will be re-opened in 2020 as a commemoration of the Decade of Healthy Aging 2020-2030
Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan