Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Planalto  Brazil
Print this page City population: 1343120.98 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

Planalto is a small town, located in the Southwest of Paraná, southern region of Brazil. It currently has 13,431 inhabitants, 32% of whom are elderly. This fact led municipal managers to adhere to the Cidade Amiga da Pessoa Idosa Program, in order to promote healthy aging for their population. The creation of the action plan involved several segments of society, as well as all the municipal secretariats. The plan consists of a set of actions, derived from interviews with the elderly, who pointed out suggestions for improvements around the WHO axes, namely: Open spaces and buildings; Home; Transport; Social Participation; Civic Participation and Employment; Communication and Information; Community Support and Health Services; Respect and Social Inclusion. Regarding open spaces, actions were created to improve public lighting, paint the signage of parking spaces for the elderly and awareness campaigns regarding respect for pedestrian crossings. With regard to transport, the goal was created to implement signage with signs at the entrances to the municipality and districts in rural areas. Regarding social participation, the actions pointed out were the creation of itinerant meetings of the city council and musical instrument courses aimed at the elderly. As for civic participation and employment, the main actions will be the creation of mothers’ clubs in the districts and activities that lift the spirits of the elderly. Regarding communication and information, a whatsapp group will be created for the direct communication of the elderly with the public administration of the municipality. As for respect and social inclusion, meetings and training will be held on financial education for the elderly and their families and campaigns to combat ageism.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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