Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Pemuco  Chile
Print this page City population: 944820.9 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

The Illustrious Municipality of Pemuco during some time ago proposed as a task to develop activities of interest for the elderly, carrying out activities related to topics on prevention and health promotion, socio-cultural activities, interventions directed to the case; group and community, education days on the rights of the elderly. Within the programmatic internal offer is: Communal Office for the Elderly, Link Program, SENAMA funds for project execution, municipal subsidy, support in the creation of projects for natural persons and clubs for the elderly, morbidity care, care for chronic patients of cardiovascular program, chronic non-cardiovascular diseases, group educations and community workshops, nutritional care, social consultation, pharmaceutical care, dental care, physical activity, crisis intervention, imaging tests, examinations and procedures, emergency care, among others.

It is intended to be friendly on issues related to: infrastructure, education, social inclusion; enhance their autonomy; sense of belonging in activities and community organizations; seeking strategies and / or partnerships with educational establishments in the commune where intergenerational meetings between students and eldery are established; eldery clubs in each sector, both urban and rural; permanent support to families where the family group have older adults in terms of orientation and promote healthy living, love, and respect among their peers; adaptation of spaces within the home; increase exchange opportunities to share experiences within the older adult population; improve physical spaces within the perimeter of the Pemuco district; add support networks; promote healthy living, share customs and habits of elderly Pemucans with other neighboring communities; among other initiatives to be developed during this and the following mayoral periods.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan