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Palo Alto, California

Palo Alto, California

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Palo Alto, California  United States of America
Print this page City population: 6700022 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

The City of Palo Alto has an ongoing commitment to meeting the needs of older adults in the community. The Age-Friendly Initiative is part of the City’s overall commitment to the health and wellness of its residents, and future activities to be included as part of this initiative will be implemented under the umbrella of the City’s “Healthy City, Healthy Community” program:

The City also maintains a 49-year private-public partnership with the nonprofit organization Avenidas, which provides an extensive array of programs and services tailored to older adults and family caregivers. More information about Avenidas’ diverse offerings can be found at:

See the attached Action Plan for details about our proposed efforts to make the City of Palo Alto more age-friendly.