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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Ottawa  Canada
Print this page City population: 100000017 % over 60Joined Network in 2011

The City of Ottawa has been implementing an Older Adult Plan (OAP) since 2012. On October 23, 2019, Council approved the City of Ottawa’s third Older Adult Plan 2020-2022, putting forward 24 concrete actions to make Ottawa an Age-Friendly community through City services, facilities and programs that are accessible and responsive to the needs of older adults.

The OAP 2020-2022 retains the vision and long-term goals that were adopted as part of the first two Older Adult Plans:

Ottawa is an age-friendly and caring community that values the contributions of older adults, offers a broad range of opportunities for active living, and provides supports that are responsive to the diverse needs and choices of older adults.

The Older Adult Plan 2020-2022 commits to 24 actions organized around four (4) main strategic areas that are consistent with the provision of City services for older adults: Aging with Choice, Transportation and Mobility, Wellbeing, and Communication.


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