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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Östersund  Sweden
Print this page City population: 6340028 % over 60

Over the last 4 years, a range of initiatives have been made in line with the municipality’s long-term strategies for an inclusive and health promoting municipality. The key players in this work have been the health and social care administration in the municipality and in some cases, the collaboration with other administrative and volunteer organizations. Below, we provide some examples from the ongoing work and how it relates to some of the eight domains identified in the WHO Age-friendly Cities Guide.

Regarding outdoor spaces and buildings, yearly “safety walks” are organized by the municipality inviting citizens of all ages to participate. The aim is to identify accessibility problems and to create action plans for how such problems shall be addressed.

Regarding housing, we recognize that housing for all ages is a complex matter that can impact opportunities for health and well-being. Over the last few years, many new residences have been built in the municipality including several senior residences. To address older peoples´ concerns about housing, we have initiated a series of workshops focused on housing support (practical, economic, technical) and the development of a web-based counselling service.

Regarding community support and health services, the municipality has implemented a new method for needs assessments, applying a stronger person-centered approach.  A new preventative intervention is being implemented for fall prevention using home visits. In addition, interventions in the form of health promoting senior meetings and a digital guide aiming to promote inclusion of older people and participation in digital activities have also been implemented.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan