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Orange County, North Carolina

Orange County, North Carolina

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Orange County, North Carolina  United States of America
Print this page City population: 14000017 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

Orange County, North Carolina has a designated Department to plan for and administer aging services across the county. The mission of the Orange County Department on Aging (OCDOA) is: To provide leadership in planning and operating a system of integrated aging services through state of the art senior centers, serving as focal points for coordinated community and individualized programs designed to educate seniors and their families and maximize the health, well-being, community engagement, and independence of older adults at all functional levels. The Orange County Department on Aging has three major Divisions: Senior Center Administration (including nutrition and wellness services), Aging Transitions (support services aimed at helping older adults remain independent in their homes) and Volunteer Connect 55+ (engaging older adults in meaningful volunteer activities within the Senior Centers and in other community settings). In addition, since 2002 the OCDOA has taken the leadership to develop and implement 3 sets of 5-year Master Aging Plans to make sure that county, town, university, and provider services are coordinated and focused on supporting older adult residents’ quality of life. In the 2012-17 Master Aging Plan, there were many initiatives related to improving the living environment, such as expansion of age-friendly transportation and navigation, housing, and community engagement opportuntiies and services. Although this and earlier Master Aging Plans have all been geared toward making the county more age-friendly, this will be the first year, if accepted, that it will be linked into an international network focused on these specific values.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan