Adding life to years
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Občina Šentrupert

Občina Šentrupert

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Občina Šentrupert  Slovenia
Print this page City population: 280023 % over 60Joined Network in 2014

Občina Šentrupert municipality is located in the central part of the Mirna River basin. In the middle of the square is a big Gothic church dedicated to Saint Rupert. Village is surrounded by populated hills, covered by forest and vineyards, which give the village a distinctive rural character. The municipality covers an area of 49 square km with 2,800 inhabitants living in 25 settlements. In 2007 the municipality became independent from a larger municipality Trebnje. Having a clear vision of the development, the community wants to maintain the quality of life for all generations by preserving natural heritage, becoming energetically self-sufficient and internationally recognized for vernacular architecture and authentic tourism. The vision has already been put into action in an innovative project – low-energy, low-carbon wooden kindergarten. Based on this the municipality has already been recognized as the most innovative local community. A very important project for the development of tourism and conservation of indigenous folk architecture is museum of hayracks, the first of its kind in the world, named The Land of Hayracks. Museum will certainly become one of the main driving forces of tourism in the Mirna valley. Permanent exhibitions and cultural-tourist events of various societies represent the cultural wealth of the municipality.

In Šentrupert  Community we are trying to develop the capacity to promote the health and health services,  well-being and participation of our older citizens. In the past of four years we have developed our programme to promote the health and  well-being,- »Live healthy in Šentrupert« (we organize several prevention programmes, different lectures by doctors, some courses – for example Nordic walking and workshops for healthy cooking – they have become very popular; participants range from 20 – 100 citizens).

We have also a very active Association of retired persons Šentrupert to promote and support volunteering (older people help older people). By including the provision of lifelong learning opportunities in order to empower older people and promote their autonmy, Community Šentrupert established a centre of daily activities for elderly – a place where seniors meet others,  to support different workshops (the most popular is for handicrafts, opened once a week, 13 women are regularly participating).

During  2015 we also put some new equipment in public places, such as wooden bench and litter cans, upon recommendations from the seniors

Our main plan in 2016 is to organize lectures for family members, who live with older members of their family.


Commitment Letter
Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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