Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Nelson  New Zealand
Print this page City population: 5500020 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

The City For All Ages/ He Rautaki Whakatupuranga Strategy was developed by a community steering group with support from Nelson City Council and includes new actions aimed at making Nelson more age-friendly. The innovative actions include, a coalition of agencies supporting older workers to continue employment, developing an Active Transport Strategy that will address the travel needs of older adults, and the “Use our loos” project to provide older adults easy access to toilets in local businesses.

Please refer to the attached City For All Ages/ He Rautaki Whakatupuranga Strategy for further details about all the new actions.

Nelson also offers a variety of existing age-friendly services such as:

  • Nelson libraries host activities aimed at older adults (library knitters, Bookchat sessions, dementia-friendly reading group) and offer a free book delivery service to rest homes and housebound customers.
  • SeniorNet, a community training network, supports adults over 50 to use technology.
  • Age Concern, a charity dedicated to people over 65, hosts Tea & Talk sessions at a range of locations, has a befriending/visiting service and runs a range of physical activities (tai chi, sit & be fit, aerobics classes, circuit training, walking groups, walking netball).
  • Presbyterian Support’s Enliven services support older people in-home, but also with day centres and social club activities.
  • Stoke Seniors, a club for social seniors, opens four days a week and provides activities, outings and a cooked lunch three days a week.
  • All buses on the Nelson network are wheelchair accessible and Supergold cardholders (over 65s) can travel for free on public transport during off-peak times.
  • The Total Mobility Scheme provides subsidised taxi services to people who have an impairment that prevents them from safely getting to or using public transport.
  • Driving Miss Daisy and Freedom Driving are companion driving services that provide transportation for anyone who is unable to drive.

For further details about the existing age-friendly services in Nelson, please refer to the attached baseline assessment.