Adding life to years
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Municipality of Coamo

Municipality of Coamo

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Municipality of Coamo  Puerto Rico
Print this page City population: 4057720 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

The Municipality of Coamo has a deep commitment with its elderly community, and with ensuring that all residents are served and that they are part of the community. To that end the Municipality has designed and implemented, or supported, several initiatives to serve its elderly residents, including: 3 elderly housing Projects that house 233 residents, 3 elderly centers that serve over 200 participants and their families, and where the following services, among others, are offered: recreational and cultural activities, social and educational events, and nutrition (food services). There are also 24 residents that receive housekeeping services. The municipality also provides and facilitates access to mainstream services, including: coordination of interagency and municipality services, transportation, medical appointments, housing services, site trips, exercise and dance clases, among others. For the implementation of this initiative the Municipality has worked collaboratively with AARP Puerto Rico and other partners. As part of the implementation of the initiative a strategic plan will be developed by an Advisory Council to be appointed by the Mayor’s Office. Members of the AC will include community representatives, including: elderly residents, business owners, state agency officials, municipal staff, non profit sector members, a Hospital Directors, an University Chancellor, among others. The AC will guide the implementation of the age friedly initiative, following guidelines of the WHO as well as best practices from the field. The AC will, in collaboration with the Municipality and with guidance from the initiative lead (Cristina Miranda Palacios) the strategic plan with a timeline of 5 years. Funding scans will be completed in order to develop a financial strategy to accompany and fund the implementation of the strategic plan to be developed, as well as other initiatives that are developed as part of the design and implementation process.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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